Thursday 19 May 2011

Hakama Trousers

Yo there!!

Just to let you know the final version of my costume is going underway... almost done with the trousers. I have cut out the patterns, pinned in the pleats and stitched everything up.

Thank you to my dear aunty for letting me use her sewing machine. I miss mine T_T. But yeah, going tomorrow again to finish off - got the hemming to do, the casing and the waistband and voila! It is done.

Chat to you later!!

1 comment:

  1. It's really exciting! ^^ I've been reading your hakama-practice entries, and it's of great help. I've been making yukatas and haoris, but never tried making a hakama before - and now I have too X'D

    Looking forward to seeing your finished result! <3
